SEOUL — A military command, launched with the declaration of martial law by President Yoon Suk Yeol late Tuesday, announced a decree banning all political activities, including protests and activities by political parties.
The decree issued by Army Chief of Staff Gen. Park An-su, a four-star general who has been named to lead the command, had gone into effect as of 11 pm (local time) Tuesday, Yonhap news agency reported.
“All political activities, including those related to the National Assembly, regional assemblies, political parties, the forming of political organisations, rallies and protests are banned,” Park said.
Park said the decree has been proclaimed nationwide to defend free democracy and the safety of people from anti-state forces threatening to overthrow the country.
The decree also puts all media and publishers under control, in addition to ordering trainee doctors on a walkout to immediately return to work within 48 hours.
“The act of denying free democracy or attempting a subversion is banned; fake news, manipulating public opinion and false instigation is banned,” Park said.
Those who violate martial law can be arrested or raided without a warrant, according to the decree.
With the declaration of martial law, the commander oversees administrative and legal affairs in the affected region and can take special measures on areas including arrest, seizure, media and collective action when necessary.
By law, the commander is supervised by the defense minister but is under presidential supervision when martial law is issued across the country or when there is a need to do so.
Yoon in making the martial law declaration on a televised address on Tuesday night has accused the opposition of “anti-state activities plotting rebellion”.
“The martial law is aimed at eradicating pro-North Korean forces and to protect the constitutional order of freedom,” he said.
This decision came after the opposition Democratic Party railroaded a downsized budget bill in the parliamentary budget committee, and submitted impeachment motions against a state auditor and the chief prosecutor.
Yonhap reported that access to the National Assembly compound was blocked by parliamentary guards and the police after the declaration.
As of 11.30 pm (local time), guards and police officers were stationed along the National Assembly gates, allowing entry only to lawmakers, parliamentary staff and accredited reporters after an ID check.
Dozens of citizens gathered in front of the Assembly following Yoon’s declaration of martial law, leading to scuffles between them and the police, it reported.
According to Yonhap, Naver, the country’s leading Internet portal, experienced disruption in its service Tuesday following Yoon’s unexpected declaration.
Naver Cafe, the company’s online community platform, has experienced connection disruptions from around 11 pm (local time) after Yoon’s announcement was made at around 10.30 pm (local time)
“We are currently investigating whether this is due to a sudden surge in traffic,” Naver said.
Similar issues were observed in services of Daum, the country’s second-largest web portal. The company shared an emergency maintenance notice on the comment section of its news service. — BERNAMA-YONHAP