FRENCH President Emmanuel Macron said the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov by the authorities was for criminal offences against the country.
In a statement regarding Durov’s arrest, Marcon refuted claims on social media that the action was politically motivated.
“The arrest of Telegram’s CEO is due to criminal offences, not political reasons. It is up to the judiciary to decide his fate,” he said.
Meanwhile, French authorities confirmed yesterday that Durov is currently investigated for criminal activities on his platform, including child pornography, drug trafficking, and fraudulent transactions.
Paris Prosecutor Laure Beccuau stated that Durov was arrested yesterday following a report from the cybercrime unit on July 8.
Beccuau said that the investigation spans several serious offences, including child pornography, drug distribution, fraudulent transactions, and money laundering.
She also criticised Telegram for allegedly allowing criminals to exploit user data and failing to safeguard public information.
For the record, Durov, often referred to as the ‘Mark Zuckerberg of Russia’ holds dual citizenship in France and the United Arab Emirates.
His wealth is estimated at US$15.5 billion (RM67.3 billion).
On another note, the arrest has drawn criticism from X owner Elon Musk, who argued that freedom of speech in Europe is under threat. — TMR