Friday Jottings: The rise of a clueless conspirator

WHETHER it was a faux pas or a Freudian slip by Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (picture), his critics were unrelenting in mocking him over his “long live Israel” call made in his speech during a Government-backed rally in support of Palestinians just over a week ago.

The slip of his tongue even affected Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who was also on stage, when the tears he shed were mocked as being crocodile tears.

Ahmad Zahid’s apology and explanation that the slip of the tongue was due to him being over-excited and over-spirited to be in the presence of thousands of Malaysians did not abate the mocking, in fact, some even attributed it to divine retribution.

But it was not all negativity for Ahmad Zahid.

Among others, one Datuk Dr Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali, the religious adviser to the Deputy Prime Minister, came to his defence, pointing out that such a slip of the tongue is common with humans and such an unintentional act was forgiven by Allah.

As the week drew on, the issue was eclipsed by Ahmad Zahid’s public announcement that he was the mastermind behind the effort to topple Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad when he was Prime Minister.

Dr Mahathir was PM the second time around from 2018 to 2020.

Ahmad Zahid claimed that he was forced to take extraordinary measures to prevent Dr Mahathir from banning Umno.

To make things more interesting, Ahmad Zahid claimed that it was Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim who confirmed the move to ban Umno and that the order (to ban) Umno was already on the table of the then Home Minister (Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin).

Dr Mahathir, in his response, pointed out that it was impossible for Zahid and Umno to topple him because Zahid and Umno were on the losing side.

The twice PM pointed out that he had stepped down in February 2020 because his then-party Bersatu had refused to follow his advice.

The resignation of Dr Mahathir led to the fall of the ruling Pakatan Harapan, and the subsequent change of PM and ruling coalition was dubbed the Sheraton Move.

If Ahmad Zahid was hoping that he would be viewed as a hero for his role in “toppling” Dr Mahathir, it seemed to be going the opposite way except among his lackeys in Umno.

His revelation raised numerous questions and conjectures.

Firstly, if he claimed he was the mastermind in the toppling of Dr Mahathir which inevitably led to the end of PH’s original rule, then Ahmad Zahid should be held responsible for the Sheraton Move.

Since 2020, PH, Anwar, the DAP, Amanah et al, have been blaming Dr Mahathir for the Sheraton Move and that it was done to thwart Anwar from becoming PM.

Secondly, Ahmad Zahid claimed that it was Anwar who informed him of the letter/order to ban/deregister Umno on the table of the Home Minister.

Anwar was then the Parti Keadilan Rakyat president and PKR was a component of the ruling PH in which Dr Mahathir was chairman.

What business did Anwar have to share the Government’s information if there was an order to ban Umno, with Ahmad Zahid leading Umno and Umno in the Opposition?

If Anwar’s information to Ahmad Zahid had triggered him to work towards toppling Dr Mahathir and, inevitably, the PH, then shouldn’t Anwar be blamed for working with the “enemy” in putting the Sheraton Move into motion?

Whether there was an order to ban Umno or not, Ahmad Zahid’s claim only proved that Anwar and he were conspiring to bring about the fall of the PH Government.

Again, whether there was an order or not the mastermind was Anwar, and Ahmad Zahid was merely out there to execute whatever conspiracy Anwar had hatched.

If there was no order, then obviously Ahmad Zahid was merely a stooge of Anwar who was ready to go to whatever end to please his “teacher” and/or political master.

All these only raise further speculations as to how far their relations went and to what end they were prepared to go to secure power.

What is probably quite interesting to note is the silence of the DAP, Amanah and even PKR over Ahmad Zahid’s claims.

The silence being deafening is indeed clichéd but on the PH over this matter, it seems to be the pinnacle of it.

But much water had flowed since the 15th general elections; the PH had shown its readiness to embrace Ahmad Zahid, whom they seemed to be extremely nauseated with during the campaign.

If Ahmad Zahid had become an enabler to secure power, their silence over the use of the Sedition Act 1948 on critics and the impending move to sensor and license social media while not repealing the Printing, Presses and Publications Act are not only reneging on the promise of reforms.

There are no heroes in this current administration.

Neither are there reformists, only demagogues. They did have agitators, rabble-rousers and street demonstrators.

They had, however, been tamed and their fire doused. Easily so because there were no inherent principles or philosophies within.

All they wanted, as they are, was a soapbox orator on top.

  • Shamsul Akmar is an editor at The Malaysian Reserve.


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