Maran MP in IJN says Dewan Rakyat Speaker

MARAN MP Datuk Seri Dr Ismail Abd Muttalib has been admitted to the National Heart Institute (IJN) said Dewan Rakyat speaker Tan Sri Johari Abdul.

However, he did not elaborate on his condition, saying the PAS MP could not take visitors at this time.

“Let us pray for a speedy recovery,” Johari told the Dewan Rakyat.

In September, Johari made it mandatory for all MPs to undergo health checkups and to be recorded in Parliament.

A total of 196 had done so out of the 222-member House as of Nov 7.

Johari had also extended the initial deadline of Oct 31 to Nov 14.

He said he had witnessed 11 MPs collapsing in the House over the past 15 years.

Since the 2018 general election, a total of four state assemblymen and four MPs have died from health-related issues. – TMR