Malaysians have healthy perception but unhealthy reality


MOST of us have the same fear when it comes to seeing a doctor: Confirming what they “have known” all along and choosing to be in denial rather than seek the available treatments or medicines. 

In Malaysia, health screening has a high incidence with 85% of Malaysian between 40 to 60 years old, claiming that they have done it in the past and 66% do it annually. 

Despite the optimistic perception of their healthy habits, three-quarters of those who attended a health screening in the past were diagnosed with some form of non-communicable disease (NCD). High cholesterol accounts for 37%, high blood pressure (29%), diabetes (13%) and other health issues (10%). 

According to a survey titled the “State of Health of the Nation”, it was found that seven in 10 respondents exercise at least once a week and 51% responded that they have healthy eating habits. 

In the survey, 46% of the respondents indicated that someone in the family had suffered from a heart or cholesterol-related issue. Of this group, 42% resulted in death. Despite having a family history, respondents in this group did not take any notable steps to prevent heart disease.

“It is worrying that many Malaysians do not give much importance to health. While observing a healthy diet and exercising will lower the risk of heart disease, it should be noted that regular check-ups are equally important as other factors such as age, gender, stress management and family with a history of high cholesterol can affect heart health,” said Malaysian Medical Association president Dr Muruga Raj Rajathurai. 

“Malaysians with a family history of high cholesterol are urged to go for scheduled health screenings to be up to date on their health status. Most importantly, seek 

advice from your doctor on any necessary treatments if cholesterol levels need to be managed,” he added. 

Meanwhile, country president of Novartis Corp (M) Sdn Bhd Mohamed El-Wakil said: “It was no surprise that high cholesterol topped the list of health issues following a health screening. Four out of 10 Malaysian adults have high amounts of bad cholesterol, medically termed hypercholesterolemia, in their bodies. 

“This is why Malaysians with cardiovascular disease are 10 years younger than those from advanced countries, of which 25% are below 50.” 

  • This article first appeared in The Malaysian Reserve weekly print edition