THE Education Ministry (MoE) has engaged with the Finance Ministry (MoF) to increase the spending of the Supplementary Meal Plan (RMT) to be included in the Budget 2023.
Senior Education Minister Datuk Seri Dr Radzi Jidin (picture) said that this matter needs some time for deliberation, but maintained that the MoE will continue to consider RMT improvements amid cost increase.
“After analysing all aspects of related matters, the MoE saw that this matter should be given priority. We are preparing the paperwork in the final stages,” Radzi said at the press conference for the launch of the Environmental Exploration Programme at the National Zoo on Monday.
As announced by the MoF in the Budget 2022, among the improvements the ministry has made is to increase the number of days for milk supply in schools from two days to five days a week starting this year.
“The flavoured milk supplied under the RMT has now been replaced with original flavoured milk because it was found that the flavoured milk contains sugar and preservatives,” Radzi added.
Last Friday, the Ministry of Health has proposed to the MoE that the current expenditure on RMT should be increase to RM4-RM5 for schools in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan due to the increase in raw goods prices. According to him, the current RM2.50-RM3 is insufficient for the schools in the areas mentioned.
Meanwhile, commenting on canteen operators who do not want to join the RMT, Radzi said that to date, no report has been received about it.
“The MoE will have a look at how many entrepreneurs are refusing to join RMT and get feedback from them to come out with the most appropriate approach.
“RMT contracts and canteen operator contracts are different. Therefore, RMT needs to be looked at comprehensively because it involves a lot of complexity. To see the new model, it takes time,” he explained.
The ministry has also increased the dormitory warden’s allowance by up to 25%.
Commenting on the abandoned teachers’ quarters, he said, “There are two contexts in this matter: Quarters built in areas of high demand and quarters built in areas where there is no demand (the cost of living outside the quarters is cheaper than the cost of living in the quarters). In addition, there are also quarters built in inappropriate locations.
“This issue is a legacy issue and has been lingering for a long time. The MoE is looking for a way to solve this matter and research is being done in depth in order to come out with a comprehensive plan before implementation,” he explained.
Meanwhile, the Environmental Exploration Programme is an environmental exploration programme which is a pilot programme in collaboration with FGV Holdings Bhd, Yayasan Didik Negara and the MoE, to provide early exposure to the kids on the restoration of wildlife.
The programme focuses on fundraising activities to strengthen the national education ecosystem. The programme will also be facilitated by the National Zoo of Malaysia with the participation of 100 primary school students from several selected schools in Putrajaya.
Furthermore, the awareness programme is also in line with MoE’s concept, “Sekolahku Sejahtera (My Safe School)” and withstanding the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) — SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 15 (Life on Land), as well as SDG 17 (Cooperation for Goals) — which diversify the classroom environment and provide visual learning about natural ecosystems.
FGV CEO Mohd Nazrul Izam Mansor emphasised that protecting and conserving flora, fauna and habitat ecosystems is a shared responsibility regardless of individuals, communities, private companies or government institutions.
“In line with our commitment to sustainability, FGV always prioritises protecting the ecosystem and conserving biodiversity due to the location of our farms near natural forest reserves that are habitats for endangered species,” he said.
FGV also was actively involved in several conservation initiatives to protect endangered wildlife including the Sun Bear Conservation Programme and human-elephant conflict management.

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