Principal Asset  Management Bhd launch new ESG fund

by TMR / pic by TMR FILE

PRINCIPAL Asset Management Bhd launched the Principal Global Sustainable Growth Fund that allows investors to invest in an Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance focused capital growth fund.

CEO of Principal Asset Management Munirah Khairuddin (picture), the new fund reflects our commitment to respond to the growing consciousness around sustainability issues in Malaysia.

“We have been seeing increased interest in ESG funds that deliver positive impact whilst generating returns. This is reflected in the exponential growth in ESG fund assets in recent years. This is hardly surprising, given growing evidence that aligning investments with ESG values can translate to consistent outperformance over the medium to long term,” she Munirah.

As a qualified sustainable and responsible investment fund, the Fund’s holdings, including the selection, retention, and the realisation of its investments, are subject to the ESG integration methodology that is in accordance with the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment.

CIMB Bank Berhad and CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad has been appointed as the exclusive bank distributor for the Global Sustainable Growth Fund for a period of 3 months.

“The addition of this Fund to our suite of offerings will further enhance our wealth proposition to our customers and we look forward to offering them with more innovative investment solutions similar to the Principal Global Sustainable Growth Fund, in the future,” said  Samir Gupta, CEO, Group Consumer Banking of CIMB Group.

The Fund feeds into the Schroder International Selection Fund Global Sustainable Growth (Target Fund) which is managed by Schroder Investment Management.

The Target Fund seeks to provide capital growth by investing in shares of companies worldwide that embrace strong Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) values in their businesses, which are in turn better placed to deliver superior growth and stable long-term returns.