4,537 companies registered with PIKAS


A TOTAL of 669,846 workers from 4,537 companies across Malaysia have registered in the Public-Private Partnership Covid-19 Industry Immunisation Programme (PIKAS) as of June 27, 2021.

PIKAS is a public-private partnership vaccination program launched as Phase 4 of the National Covid-19 Immunisation Program (PICK) to help expedite vaccination for the Malaysian public, where PIKAS focuses on the work force in critical manufacturing sectors.

Senior Minister cum Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali (picture) said under PIKAS, the government will provide free vaccines, while the private sector will manage the administration of the Vaccination Administration Centre (PPV) including engaging the services of private medical practitioners.

“While employers are to bear the administration costs for the vaccination of their employees, employers are not allowed to transfer the costs to employees via deduction of wages, even if the employees no longer serve with the company after the first dose of vaccination.

“While PIKAS is ongoing, the government remains committed to ensuring vaccination under PICK for the vulnerable groups remains an immediate priority,” he told reporters after visiting PPV PIKAS at Setia City Convention Centre (SCCC) today.

The site visit was to observe the vaccination process at the PPV PIKAS in SCCC and to ensure the process remains smooth.

PPV PIKAS at SCCC is one of the eight Common PPV PIKAS nationwide that have been approved to begin operations latest by July 5, 2021.

There are two types of PPV under PIKAS – Common PPV and On-Site PPV. The former is the use of convention and exhibition centers as well as hotels as a PPV while the latter refers to PPV established on-site by a company at the factory’s premises.

Manufacturers keen to participate in PIKAS can get more info on the program via www.miti.gov.my.