KUALA LUMPUR – The Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) has ordered 15 construction sites to close as of yesterday after failing to comply with the standard operating procedures (SOP) of the Movement Control Order (MCO).
Senior Minister (Infrastructure Cluster) Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof, in a statement today, said since the MCO was implemented on Jan 13, CIDB has inspected 1,022 construction sites, of which 1,007 were found to adhere to the SOP.
All 15 construction sites have been issued with notices for non-compliance in terms of workers’ accommodation, physical distancing, and the wearing of face mask.
“Majority of COVID-19 positive cases at construction sites were caused by failure to observe the stipulated SOP and guidelines.
“Among the causes identified are the workers’ accommodation was overcrowded, dirty and did not comply with the Workers’ Minimum Standards of Housing and Amenities Act 1990 (Act 446), besides the workers’ movement from one project site to another could possibly create the construction cluster,” he said.
Therefore, Fadillah urged contractors which have been permitted to operate during the MCO to comply with the SOP at construction sites and workers’ accommodation to prevent COVID-19 transmission.
“Stern action will be taken against any contractors who fail to comply with the directives besides disciplinary action which could cause their registration to be revoked or suspended,” he said.
He said the latest SOP were available on CIDB’s website at while further information on the SOP and the Construction Industry Guidelines could be obtained from CIDB’s official Telegram channel at or via CIDB Hotline at 03-5567 3300 (8am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday).
For the record, from Sept 20, 2020, until Feb 12 this year, 527 workplace-related clusters have been identified out of 852 clusters reported in the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia.