Top Glove to complete improving workers’ accommodation by year-end


Top Glove Bhd expects to complete its exercise of improving workers’ accommodation by Dec 31, 2020, clarifying that its efforts to source for more accommodation and improve existing ones are ongoing.

So far, the company said it has spent RM20 million to purchase 100 units of apartments for workers in the past two months in its efforts to adhere to the requirements in the Workers’ Minimum Standards of Housing and Amenities Act 1990 (Act 446).

The company has also previously invested in 100 double-storey houses and hostels with full facilities including in-house canteen, automated teller machines, barbershops and minimarts, worth approximately RM50 million in total.

The government announced in Sept that it would be taking an educational approach on employers until the end of the year so that the latter can comply with the act, which covers the standard of minimum living space and basic facilities.

Yesterday The Malaysian Reserve reported that the Department of Labour Peninsular Malaysia (JTKSM) will take legal action against several companies including the world’s largest glove manufacturer, Top Glove Corp Bhd, involving the provision of housing for their employees.

Read our previous report here: 

Top Glove to be charged in court for violating Act 446