COVID-19: 95% of Penang construction sites complying with SOPs


THE level of compliance with standard operating procedures (SOPs) at construction sites in Penang has reached 95 per cent since the Movement Control Order (MCO) came into force.

The Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Malaysia Penang director Norlida Nabil said, however, there were some things that needed to be improved especially in terms of marking physical distancing cues on floors for morning gatherings, taking of body temperature and recording attendance.

“The Penang CIDB has visited about 600 construction sites since the MCO was enforced and of that number, 95 per cent complied with the SOPs while another five per cent were issued warnings to tighten the SOPs for the safety of all,” she told reporters after integrated enforcement operations at a construction sites around Penang, here yesterday.

She said the operations jointly organised by CIDB and several government agencies was the first to be carried out since the implementation of the MCO on March 18.

Among the agencies involved besides CIDB are Seberang Perai City Council, Penang State Health Department, Energy Commission, Labour Department, and the National Water Services Commission.

Norlida said the operations were carried out to monitor whether those responsible complied with all SOPs for construction workers outlined by the government and CIDB to curb the spread of COVID-19.

During the operations 12 warning notices were issued and the main contractors were given a period of three days to submit the required information.

“Among the information they needed to submit was a list of subcontractors, the latest worker list and a list of building materials used which have received the Certificate of Standard Compliance.

“CIDB also issued notices for registration, accreditation and construction training offences. We found  60 construction workers who had no skills accreditation,” she added.