by BERNAMA/ pic by AFP
THE COVID-19 pandemic should serve as a wakeup call for every nation in the world to put aside their differences and find common grounds to resolve the global pandemic, said the former president of the Marshall Islands, Kessai Hessa Note.
He said this could be a golden opportunity for rich countries to provide financial and technological support on COVID-19 to international organisations, such as the World Health Organisation, that will save human life now and in the future.
“For once, nations of the world should set aside the theological and geopolitical differences and find common grounds in order to solve this pandemic.
“One thing for sure is that the world will never be the same after COVID-19. I believe this is a wakeup call for every nation of the world to come together to find solutions to our common problems,” he said at the first International Summit Council for Peace (ISCP) webinar in the Asia Pacific region themed “Rebuilding and Renewing our Nations in the post-COVID-19 World: Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity and Universal Values” held recently.
“Even with all the modern current age and technologies and medicine, eight months into the year and we still don’t have yet a vaccine to cure it.
“These conditions affect every facet of human life and every sector of our civilisation,” he said.
Meanwhile, prime minister of Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapaksa, said as far as Sri Lanka is concerned, the nation’s high testing rate, coupled with its established healthcare and surveillance system, has kept COVID-19 mortality at bay.
He said the measures and initiatives undertaken to contain the virus from the early stages have proven to be extremely effective and fruitful.
“While getting rid of the pandemic is still the utmost priority above everything else, it is high time we start thinking about the road to recovery post-COVID-19.
“I firmly believe that we will be able to overcome the current predicament once again by accepting it as a common foe of humanity and directing our efforts to defeat it in a concerted and unified manner,” he said.
Meanwhile, former prime minister of Solomon Islands, Danny Philip, said the Solomon Islands is one of the very few countries in the world today that is yet to be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
He, however, said the government will never be complacent or take things for granted.
“Our government works on measures as if we already have the virus. We very much hope that we be able to maintain our COVID-19 free status as long as we can hold on.
“Most importantly, we want sustainable world peace, both dealing with pandemic and post-pandemic period,” he said.
Eight current and former Heads of State and Government along with five First Ladies from a total of 10 nations spoke at the ISCP webinar.
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