Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (picture) today announced the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) with various economic and social activities allowed, from May 4, subject to the conditions and standard operating procedure which have been set.
The following is the essence of the CMCO announced by Muhyiddin:
- Restaurants are allowed to operate, observing the business SOP which includes social distancing and recording the names and telephone numbers of customers and the dates of their visit.
- Cinemas, karaoke centres, reflexology centres, entertainment centres, night clubs, theme parks, Ramadan bazaars, Aidilfitri bazaars, shopping carnivals and all forms of conferences and exhibitions are not allowed.
- Sports activities involving large gatherings, body contact and other risks of infection are also not allowed, including football, rugby, swimming and all indoor and stadium sports events.
- Outdoor sports activities which do not involve body contact and in small groups such as badminton or tennis outdoors without an audience, jogging, cycling, golf and running comprising of not more than 10 persons are allowed on condition social distancing is practised.
- Social, community and cultural events which involve large gatherings such as feasts, open houses, break-of-fast events, concerts, cultural shows, monthly assemblies of government departments and the private sector, as well as all types of official events and assemblies are not permitted.
- Religious activities such as religious marches, Friday prayers and all congregational or assembly activities in mosques, surau and houses of worship are also not allowed.
- Inter-state travel are not allowed except for work purposes and to return home after being stranded in the hometowns or elsewhere.
- Inter-state travel to go back to the hometown for the Aidilfitri festival holidays is not allowed.
- For now, all schools, colleges and tertiary institutions are still not opened.
- The full list of businesses or activities which are not allowed (to operate) can be obtained at the National Security Council’s website. It is updated from time to time, depending on the development of COVID-19 cases.
- All employers are urged to implement flexible working hours as part of the effort to prevent congestion at public transportation stations and in public vehicles.
- Public and private sector employees are encouraged to work from home as the new normal.
- Employers should give some leeway to married couples to work on alternate days, thus helping solve the problem of childcare.
- Avoid congestion at bus, LRT and MRT stations.
- Practise wearing masks and always bring along the hand sanitiser when outside the home.
- Download the MySejahtera and MyTrace applications to facilitate contact tracing.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Bill on temporary measures to reduce COVID-19 impact tabled for first reading