Face mask ceiling price set at RM1.50 per piece effective April 1


THE new ceiling price for ace masks has been fixed at RM1.50 per piece effective April 1, the government announced today.

Senior Minister (Security Cluster) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the new price is lower than the RM2 per unit set previously.

“Not many face masks are locally produced. They are mostly imported. So, we are also bound to pay the price of imported face masks.

“We will continue reviewing the price (of face masks) from time to time and if it continues to drop, we will review it and announce a new ceiling price,” he told a press conference after the meeting of the Special Ministerial Committee on the Movement Control Order (MCO) here today.

Meanwhile, when asked whether the government would set a ceiling price for hand sanitizer, Ismail Sabri said the matter would be discussed with the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP), if necessary.

He said the situation is different in the case of hand sanitizer as the item bears different brands.

“So far, KPDNHEP has yet to set a ceiling price for hand sanitizer as the item comes in different brands and different prices as some are locally produced and some are imported.

“But, I will talk to them if the need arises,” Ismail Sabri said.