JAKIM launches Musa’adah COVID-19 fund

by TMR

The Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) has launched the Musa’adah COVID-19 fund as an initiative to help ease the burden of those who are adversely affected by the outbreak.

Minister in the Prime Minister Department Datuk Seri Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri (picture) said contribution could be made through Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad’s account (16027010001528) under the name of ‘Tabung Bencana Alam’ with reference to ‘derma COVID-19’.

He said the fund would be utilised to help those affected, especially civil servants and JAKIM cadre officers who work in hospitals during the Movement Control Order.

“The contribution is hoped to help officers on duty at quarantine centres and those exposed directly to the infection such as the teams who handle the deceased, hearse drivers and grave diggers from the Health Ministry and their family members,” he said in a Bernama report.

Zulkifli also called on all agencies under the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs), states’ Islamic Religious departments and councils, non-governmental bodies, mosques and surau, to put the fund collection in motion.

Additionally, Zakat Collection Center – Federal Territory Islamic Religious Council (PPZ-MAIWP) through Khaira PPZ  has also allocated special charity donations to the National Cancer Institute (IKN) through the Musa’adah COVID-19 Mission.

PPZ-MAWIP CEO Ahmad Shukri Yusoff said this was one of the initiatives of the PPZ-MAIWP’s corporate social responsibility to jointly assist national health institutions in preventing the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Ahmad Syukri said PPZ-MAIWP through Khaira PPZ provided RM40,000 in special charity assistance to assist IKN in providing equipment and equipment for COVID-19 screening and treatment purposes.

As a precautionary measure against the spread of the COVID-19, the National Cancer Institute has been conducting a health screening process for all staff and customers.

As of yesterday, a total of 1,518 COVID-19 positives cases with 14 deaths were recorded in the country.