by BERNAMA/ pic by TMR
SEPANG – The busy cargo village at the free commercial zone (FCZ) of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) was grappling with three crises one after another today.
Exchange of gun fires, negotiations between robbers and the police as well as hostages crying out for help could be heard. Police also gave chase to a waiting getaway car within the cargo village.
The riot, robbery and hostage demonstrations were staged during the Ex Foxtrot Zulu, a full scale exercise to ensure the airport’s readiness in disaster and crisis management.
Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) in a statement said the exercise focused on measures and actions to be taken in countering possible riots, explosions and terrorist acts that may occur at the cargo area.
Over 300 personnel from 20 agencies were involved in the full scale exercise today.
They include the National Security Council, KLIA district police headquarters, Civil Aviation Authority Malaysia, Fire and Rescue Department, Royal Customs Department, Immigration Department and the Health Ministry.
KLIA police chief Zulkifli Adamsah, when met after the exercise said generally all agencies at KLIA were prepared adding that there was room for improvement which would be discussed in a postmortem meeting soon.
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