Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) plans to allocate RM1.4 million for the upgrades of temporary accommodation and facilities at the National Heart Institute (IJN), said TNB independent non-ED Datuk Sakthivel Alagappan.
He said the utility company will also continuously fund the operational and maintenance cost for the temporary accommodation for the next five years.
He added that TNB agreed to fund the IJN’s family dormitory facilities when the power company was approached by the centre in March last year.
Called “Projek Better Brighter Dormitory IJN Foundation”, TNB has spent RM386,192 to upgrade the existing facilities.
“For the next five years, TNB will continue to fund for the operation and maintenance of the dormitory which will cost about RM200,000 annually,” he said at the launch of the temporary residence in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. The dormitory — which can accommodate up to 56 people at any one time — provides basic amenities including air-conditioning, washing machines, a common area, beds and lavatories.
Meanwhile, IJN Foundation CEO Toh Puan Dr Aishah Ong said the temporary accommodation can be rented by patients’ family members who reside outside the Klang Valley.
“We prioritise our rooms for family members who come from a different state or live far from the hospital and take care of patients in the critical units with a minimum fee of RM10 per day.
“However, we do make exceptions for family members who are under-privileged. IJN Foundation will review the request to ensure the facilities serve the right groups,” she said.
The maintenance of the accommodation was previously funded by Public Bank Bhd.
“For the past five years, Public Bank has supported this temporary residence with its RM500,000 annual grants,” she said.
Ong said the foundation has also provided financial aids to the hospital’s cardiac patients.
“Each year, we see the cost of medical treatment keeps rising due to the better technologies and higher cost of medicines.
“Last year, we spent RM3.9 million on patients’ medical bill through our Patient Assistance Foundation, covering 157 cardiac patients. As at September this year, we have helped 93 patients with funding of around RM2.9 million,” Ong said.
TNB’s inked partnership with Huawei and RHB to foster green energy transitions